The instructions of robot car control platform API
Data Driven Engine Command Engine.dll
The engine must be initialized before use it. I have initialized the engine as an instance of RobotEngine2. The following are based on this instance to introduce the calling of various functions.
Function description
- public IPEndPoint IPE {get; set;}
Role: attribute constructor
Parameters: an instance of IP End Point
ips = IP Address.Parse(control IP.To String());
ipe = new IP End Point(ips, Convert.ToInt32(port.To String()));
RobotEngine2.IPE = ipe;
- public Socket SOCKET {get; set;}
Role: attribute constructor
Parameters: Socket instance
socket = new Socket(Address Family.Inter Network, Socket Type.Stream, Protocol Type.Tcp);
Robot Engine2.SOCKET = socket;
- public byte[] CreateData(byte type, byte cmd, byte data);
Role: build data package
Parameters: type: type bit, cmd: command bit, data: data bit
Return value: return a 5-bit byte format data packet, the header and the end of the packet are both FF, no parity bit
byte [] data = Create Data(0x01, 0x02, 0x03);
The returned data value is: FF 01 02 03 FF
- public void DrawSignal(int signalType, Graphics g, int x, int y, int PenWidth);
Function: Generate a crosshair or circular crosshair on the specified control
Parameters: singalType: crosshair type, 0 is cross, 1 is circle; g: PaintEventArgs.Graphics value of the control; x: control length; y: control width; PenWidth: pen thickness
private void camera Window_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
This function must be run in the Paint event of the control so that it can be called every time when it is redrawn.
- public byte[] HexStringToByteArray(string s);
Function: Convert a character string to a data packet in byte [] format
Parameters: string format string, an even-digit string accord with hexadecimal format
Return value: byte [] format packet
byte [] data= HexStringToByteArray("FF000100FF");
The return data value is: FF 00 01 00 FF
- public void SendCMD(int controlType, byte[] byteData, SerialPort comm);
Role: overload function, send byte data packet format command
Parameters: controlType: type, 0 is WIFI mode, 1 is Bluetooth mode; byteData: byte[] format data packet, comm: Bluetooth serial port, SerialPort type.
byteData = CreateData("FF000100FF");
RobotEngine2.SendCMD(0, byteData, comm);
This program will send byteData data packets to the designated socket in WIFI mode;
byteData = CreateData("FF000100FF");
public void SendCMD(1, byteData, comm);
This program will send byteData packets to the designated serial port comm in Bluetooth mode
- public void SendCMD(int controlType, string CMD_Custom, Serial Port comm);
Role: overload function, send format command of string data packet
Parameters: control Type: type, 0 is WIFI mode, 1 is Bluetooth mode; CMD_Custom: string format data packet, comm: Bluetooth serial port, Serial Port type.
String S="FF000100FF";
RobotEngine2.Send CMD(0, s, comm);
This program will send the “S “ data string to the designated socket in WIFI mode;
String S="FF000100FF";
RobotEngine2.Send CMD(1, s, comm);
This program will send the “S” data string to the designated serial port comm in Bluetooth mode
- public void SendDataIn Comm(Serial Port comm, byte[] data);
Role: Overload function, used to send byte format data packet directly from Bluetooth serial port
Parameters: comm: serial port instance of Serial Port type, data packet in data:byte[] format
data = Create Data("FF000100FF");
RobotEngine2.Send Data In Comm(Serial Port comm, byte[] data);
This program sends the data packet data in byte format from the designated serial port comm (SerialPort1).
- public void SendData In Comm(Serial Port comm, string data);
Role: overloaded function, used to send string format data directly from the Bluetooth serial port
Parameters: comm: serial port instance of Serial Port type, data packet in data:byte[] format
Routine: comm=this. SerialPort1; RobotEngine2.Send Data In Comm(Serial Port comm, “FF000100FF”);
This program sends out the data string in string format from the designated serial port comm (SerialPort1).
- public void SendHeart CMD(int control Type, Serial Port comm);
Function: Send a heartbeat packet each 10S, to maintain a long-term connection with the server.
Parameters: control Type: type, 0 is WIFI mode, 1 is Bluetooth mode, comm: Bluetooth serial port instance of Serial Port type Routine: comm=this. SerialPort1; RobotEngine2. Send Heart CMD (0, comm);
The program will send a heartbeat packet FFEFEFEEFF to the WIFI channel every 10 seconds
- public bool SocketConnect();
Function: Socket connection function, connect to the routing server through WIFI, the connection is asynchronous callback.
Parameter: The function parameter is special, and its connection needs a socket. The socket comes from the attribute constructor SOCKET, so before calling this parameter, complete the instantiation of the socket, and refer to function 2 to assign it to the SOCKET attribute.
Return value: The function returns a bool value, true if the connection is successful, false if it fails.
Bool ret;
ret = RobotEngine2.Socket Connect();
Execute this section of the program, if the connection is successful WIFI routing, return true, otherwise false
- public void TakePhoto(Bitmap snapshot, string RootPath, string FileName);
Function: The camera function is used to take photos on the control platform and save them in the Root Path+File Name path in BMP format.
Parameters: snapshot: the bitmap format object of the current video window; RootPath: the path where the photo is saved; File Name: the name of the photo file.
RobotEngine2.Take Photo(camera Window.Camera.Last Frame, Image Path, Create Picture File());